The biggest thing to sort out was the electronics, as
Mr. Moraz's team was not content to leave them as they were.
Fortunately the power supply, which is smaller and lighter than that in the
M400, turned out to be AOK. Click on the image to the left for a
larger picture of the insides of the Mark V power supply.
<-- (Click for a larger picture) The control panel, however, had been
infiltrated with an MXR phase shifter and a connection for some kind of ring
modulator. As viewed, you can see the RH Preamp, 1/2 of the phaser, RH
reverb driver, LH reverb driver, the other half of the phaser, and finally
the LH preamp.
The phaser bits had to come out, and the console had
to be wired back to SPEC...but there was no SPEC---nobody has any diagrams
for the Mark V!
Well, 'til now. Jerry took some notes, and if
you have a Mark V in need of some work, Jerry has created the wiring
<-- (Click for a larger picture) The Mark V control panel nears
completion. It's all rewired, and the cards need to be plugged back