Roth-Händle Studio's equipment page has a collection of videos
demonstrating various instruments, including the Mellotron and Chamberlin
Rhythmate. Oh, a Yamaha GX-1, too... |
Detailing all manners of Mellotron
(and other
music-related dinosaurs).
...thanks for the link back! |
The Ultimate

Recordings List
Mellotron Recording
Andy Thompson has been keeping a list of Mellotron
recordings. It's probably the best one anywhere.
You'll find the list, reviews, trivia,
and more at:

Mellotron Tape Library
Streetly Sample Library
Maintained by Mike Dickson. Hear what 'tron tapes are available
from the UK, including a few samples provided by Your Webmaster. |
Tokyo Mellotron
What a collection! (In Japanese.) |
Unfortunately this site has been down for a while and may not be
The Mellotron Player's Resource
By Mellotronist Ken Merbler. It's the home of the follow-up to "Rime
of the Ancient Sampler."
...thanks for the link back! |