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And for you...

No, you can't have #805. BUT you can get a copy of the
hand-outs and something extra special from Fritz.
And the latest recording by Puff Doddy and the Tape Replayers
from the upcoming PD/TR live album:
There were also some items for sale...
James Bailey brought along copy of his album "Dimensions", which is
Minimoog and guitar. I need to dust off my turntable so I can check it

Zaphyr Beeyiyes and Gulliver Skullquarter checking out
James Bailey's "Dimensions".
Vinyl--how quaint! :-)

Autograph time!
Denis Keldie absolutely burns on the Hammond, and he
brought along two CDs for sale. You can reach Denis at
keldieds over at interlog.com
Northern Hammond was recorded in Mr. Keldie's basement and put
out pretty much as it was recorded. Guitar, drums, bass, and Hammond.
Jazzy, man. 2B3 features a number of great musicians, and all the
songs feature two Hammonds (B-3 and a CV owned by Denis). Yep, it
includes a cover of Magic Carpet Ride. Intense. |


Martin Smith, Frank Samagaio, Ken Merbler