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MORE MONEYPIT - March 2004
What's in the Garage? / Jerry's Other
'Trons / Wharfedales / The Tools and Workshop / JK in the News!
Meanwhile, in Jerry's garage... |
(The company was later pressured into
changing its name.) |

Upstairs: M300 & M400
Upstairs at the Korb Ranch you'll find Jerry's original M400
along with a suh-weet M300.

...and you'll find Frank and Ken lounging
around checking out some CDs (we listened to some of Epsilon in Malaysian
Pale and some new Larry Fast).

The M300 is rather rare. Near the
end of the production they stopped putting in the pitch control to save
money. These machines are 6 stations (as with
the Mark I/II) but use 1/4" 2-track tape. The track selection is done
by electronics. (In the Mark I/II the track selection is done by a
mechanism like radio buttons in an old car radio. In the M400 and
later models track selection is done with a knob.) |
Like the Mark I/II, the M300 had rhythms
and fills, but many of the sounds were newly recorded and sound much
brighter than the sounds in its older brother. |

Wharfedale speakers for the Mark I/II

Mellotron tool set

Jerry and Frank in the basement workshop

The Mellotron Professor In The
The local CBS channel WCAX-3 from
Burlington,VT interviewed and videotaped Jerry for two hours on April 7
for a feature story on the Mellotron. After editing, the story aired
locally on April 7-8. Viewer response was awesome!
Though a bit too late to cover the MONEYPIT 2004 weekend, the television
reporter (Jack Thurston) mentioned the Pindertron and provided Jerry his
"three minutes of fame."
Way to go, Prof! |