CHOW DOWN! After checking out the restored machines and seeing a bit of Vermont, MONEYPIT 2007 attendees settled in for the evening and grabbed a little dinner.
The Korbs are great hosts. You have to try Mali's macaroni salad! And Mali has introduced Charlie and me to kohlrabi, which is a vegetable that's like a turnip only it grows above ground. You can use it like a potato. The kohlrabi is a staple at the Mellotron Ranch. Charlie now grows kohlrabi in his garden at home in Michigan, and he has been trying out some of Mali's recipes.
Thanks for a great meal! :-)
DRAWING TO A CLOSE... In the morning it was time to bid farewell to Charlie and his two restored machines.
Hey! What's the hold up, Jerry???
All packed up and ready to go, Charlie began his drive back to Michigan.
This meant, of course, Your Webmaster's stay in the North Country was also at an end, and it was time to head back to Boston. Another fine MONEYPIT, and many thanks to Charlie and our excellent hosts the Korbs for an enjoyable stay!
EPILOG Charlie sent along a snap of his Mellotrons relaxing at home along with some thoughts: <-- Click here to see M400 #203 and M400 #1414 at home in Michigan
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