Jerry just finished restoring an RCA 8TS30 television from the
late 1940s.

Back then they were really works of art, weren't they?
This one works just great. In fact, you'll see it in
the video shortly. Well, everything works, except for "one" thing...

Yep, there used to be a Channel 1! That doesn't work
so great anymore--nobody has had a broadcast on Channel 1 in over 50 years. :-)
And "UHF"? What's that? Nope, sorry, not there.
In this day of hundreds of digital channels, we've come a long way from 13
fuzzy and static-filled VHF stations. But one gets a feeling of
nostalgia when visiting the Mellotron Ranch and the various collections
there. You can't help but picture a family sitting down at this TV set
to watch live programs basking in the light of the set's black and white
picture, its tubes glowing warmly inside.

Nowadays televisions are little more than circuit boards in
plastic cabinets, don't cost a lot (relatively speaking), and are simply
tossed when they break. These old guys were built like tanks. In
fact, Jerry's mom still uses an old RCA XL-100 from the late 70s. But
even that old TV is still a tad "modern" for the old guy Jerry just fixed
up, which is still some 30 years older than the XL!

75 capacitors and 18 resistors were replaced as part of the restoration.
Above: New caps in old cans - preserving the look of the insides of
the old set.
<-- Click for a larger picture of the chassis before restoration