A TRIPLE REVEAL Stewart Myers and his parents Tom and Nancy arrived at the Mellotron Ranch in the rain on Saturday morning. They had stayed the night before in Albany, New York after driving up from Virginia. Although they wouldn't be heading directly home after the MONEYPIT, their plans left them only a few hours to spend with us at the Ranch. So it was pretty much right down to business.
Check out the video of the unveiling of Stewart's reburbed Mellotrons:
I believe Stewart was pleased at the outcome. The finish on #469 and #481 was quite nice. #481 was finished in an epoxy primer, but it still looked great. It was not painted with a final coat because someone with an art background will be putting her own designs on the machine. I wonder if it'll be pastels with a seashell motif?
After a lunch break and some snacks, it was time for Stewart and his family to depart. --> |