Synth Links
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Here are a few useful links to help you start exploring the exciting world of Synthesizers.  Yeah, there are MANY more out there, but just these few will help you get started.

Also listed are the neat folks who have linked to my pages.

For Mellotron links, check out Mellotronia.

Synth Zone Fabulous site with all kinds of links to synths, patches, and so on! START HERE!
Harmony Central For synths and strings---anyone who wants to make great music.
SonicState All-music site with an extensive catalog of synthesizers. A valuable tool is the various reviews provided about many synthesizers and the plentiful user comments. You can add your own comment, too.
Music Machines An easy to navigate site with pictures, modification information, and more.
PrePal Internet used musical instrument prices (prices found at auctions like EBay).
MidiWall Mark Pulver's MIDIWall.  (May or may not be available due to ISP problems...But when it is, watch out!).  Also has the "Used Gear Price List".
SynthFool The SynthFool pages are slowly coming back.
Analogue Heaven The Analogue Heaven e-mail list.  It's rather high traffic, but it's all analogue, all the time.  For Sales, Wanteds, tech hints, synth discussions...Just keep it Analogue, OK?
Los Angeles
Charles Hobbs has been collecting cheap electronic music gear for over 20 years and making music with it.  He uses (among other things) the MG-1.
Electronics Electronics Theory Ramon K. Dall's site where you can go through courses he's written to learn electronics theory.  Fixing a synth?  You'll need to know some basics.